What is New In Odoo 17

New UI design

The redesign encompasses significant improvements in both usability and esthetics. The primary goal was to enhance the overall UX and provide a visually appealing interface that promotes intuitive interactions.

Advanced search

Edit existing searches and create custom filters easily using the new advanced search. Filters created by users are more efficient by default, searching on records instead of text.

Editor: integrate ChatGPT in powerbox

Use AI to generate and improve existing text based on a prompt with the /ChatGPT shortcut.

Freeze headers

Kanban and List column titles remain visible at all times when scrolling.

Group by properties

Group your records with the values of property fields.

Kanban: quick record creation

Kanban views grouped by a many-to-many relation (e.g., tags, assignees, etc.) now allow the quick creation of records directly in the column

Odoo PWA

Install Odoo as a Progressive Web App to install it on any device for easy access. Get all the features of the old Odoo mobile app without the need to download anything from your device's app store.

Range selection shortcut

Select/unselect ranges in list view using the Shift key and mouse clicks or the Up and Down Arrow keys.

Re-order apps

Each user can re-order their app icons on the dashboard by dragging-and-dropping them.

SMS status

Receive feedback on the status of your SMS text messages.

Date formatting on import

Use custom date and datetime formats during import.

Disable opening of form view modal

Clicking on a read-only embedded list item no longer opens a dialog with a form view for the item.

Duration tracking / stage

The form view's status pipeline shows how long a task, ticket, or lead has stayed in each stage.

Mobile app shortcuts

Access useful Odoo apps with shortcuts on the mobile application.

Multi-domain aliases

Use multiple mail domains on a single database.

OWL grid view

The grid view has been converted to OWL, improving the view's performance and enabling new features, such as displaying sample data.

Stacked bar charts

Stacked bar charts now include a line graph displaying the groups' totals for easier trend analysis.

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